Lavender Fields, new CC!

Hello friends! I am so happy to introduce my contribution for this amazing Coordinated Collection at The Studio! You will find tons of beautiful pieces and you can mix and match them according to your taste and needs: all the products are coordinated in colors and theme and you may build up your own super Bundle! Each pack is $1 and the Bundles are $8.00.
As the title says , you’ll be leaded into a magic and scented lavender field!
It is easy to get lost in the smell of purples, the sweet aquamarine notes of fruit and flower so distinct yet so indescribable, but anyone can do that. Do you sense the pungency, the soft sharpness of sunrays, the fiery acrid heat of Mediterranean summer days? How can you not notice the cool air of evening that settles on the flowing contours of color at dusk, changing the heliotrope undertones to fuchsia, then magenta, then indigo as the plants exhale their purifying breath into the night sky?
~Ode to Lavender by David Crow