Eva: women are life.

The more I have opportunities to work with women, the more I appreciate the “feminine” soul and all its shades of love, sisterhood, tenderness, strength and passion. Both as photographer and as designer, I often team up with amazing and talented women and all the times I feel as reborn, as if I have gotten the precious gift of revitalization. Women are a great power for the entire world. They’re the engine of love, of “not giving-up”, of “we can do it, we’ll do it”.
When I started designing I was just 23. Thinking at that “younger me” nowadays I feel tenderness: I tried and tried to conquer a little piece of world where I could count something. And by the passing of the time, I found out that all the women fight to count, to be important for someone else, to be useful to others. Even those women who became bad, I think it’s because they lost the chance to be a meaning.
Towards my art, through the photography and through the scrapbooking, I feel I count because I am able to transfer my emotions to other people. So I feel the life when I’m connected to the rest of the world trough my art, which is the physical representation of my intagible inner world.
Now I perfectly know why I stopped designing for one entire year. I was getting older and I was changing. I needed a break to understand what was happening inside of me and for comig back to design something able to talk about the “new me”. If I look at my previous collections, sometimes I barely can recognize me. It’s funny because it means that I grew up and only God knows how I wanted it. Yes, I wanted to grow. And I know that I have still to grow and it’s exciting to me.
“Eva” is another of my numerous tributes to women. It’s “peach pink”, full of hand-drawned elements and it expresses a dreamy world where dreams can be possibilities. This is just a sneak peek: you know the game! Leave me a comment and try your luck! I will come back in a few days to announce the winner of the new collection “Eva”. Enjoy.

Trish H
This is just a beautiful kit. You have so much talent!!
Just WOW !!! Gorgeous !!! Thank you for the chance ♥
Jodi Watson
Valentina, what a beautiful email I read this morning from you…yes, it is wonderful to take a break and to flourish into someone new and have it reflected in your artistry. And this is gorgeous! I would be honored to use this collection to scrap pages of all the women in my life, including myself. Thank you for the chance!
Kathy Stern
This is just a lovely kit. I do like the dreamy quality of it.
Pamela Garcia
Oh Val, your new collection is beautiful!!! It is so wonderful to have you back designing!!! Your work has always been such an inspiration to me. Thank you for the chance to win this lovely new kit!!!
Faith A
Such an interesting and beautiful post, I love the idea of “women fight to count” I have done that for so many years and now in my three score years and plus of age, I don’t really care if I count! Everyone has their own lives and seem to think of themselves. BUT, once in while, Yipee I DO count! and it’s such a wonderful feeling, as your kit says to me, with it’s beautiful colours and messages. I love the layouts you have done. Thank you for the thoughts this invoked in me.
I so look forward to your new collections, Val. And to reading the emotions and thoughts that go into them. This one really resonated with me, especially the sketchy style and soft peachy pink colour. I wondered why I was particularly drawn to the models with the flowing grid lines. On reflection I realized they reminded me of the puppet warp tool in Photoshop, which allows you to mould and shape things. As a digital artist I am continually learning, stretching, growing – and I love that I see this in your evolving, unique style. Blessings on your journey!
Uh Uh ladies! Thanks for your kind and inspiring words. Reading your comments was motivating, illuminating and gratifying. I have a winner!! My “random generator” application went for number “6” which corresponds to FAITH A! Congratulations dear, check out your mail box: you’ll get a gift. And thank you everyone for spending a few minutes to read my post and play with me. New collection Eva is available at my stores now, and… if you purchase it at my own store you’ll get for free another amazing Bundle of your choice. Enjoy!
Jodi Watson
Congrats Faith!!
Thank you again for the chance Valentina!! 😘
Thanks to you Jodi!! <3
Faith A
Thank you so much Jodi.?
Faith A
OH! my goodness Valentina, you chose me? I am overwhelmed with so much joy,THANK YOU so VERY much. Today I counted! I have a lot of your “old” work and have appreciated it so much over the years. Good Luck with your “new” and always beautiful work.
This is a lovely collection. The reasoning of its creation shows through in the soft color and great design. Scrumptious!