Today is my birthday: celebrate with me!

COVID-19 Day 47 – Scent of tears…
Who could have ever believed that I would celebrate my 35th birthday during a pandemic? This sounds really weird. Sometimes I suddenly feel as re-awoken and wonder “what?, really?”. Sounds like one of those fantasy Tv series where the end of world is coming and the breaking news send survivol rules: “be sure to wash your hands, make social distancing, don’t go out”. All the times I hear in background that robotic and unhuman voice saying that we need to stay at home I feel a shiver down my spine. It is really happening, it’s not a nightmare or a joke.
Almost 50 days and I have reinvented my daily life once again but this time it’s different because too much has happened and too many things outside have changed. Here we don’t have any certain of our future and we can’t leave anyway: sounds like a trap. Hubby and I trying to focu on things that make us to shut down the “rational” part of our brain: he’s playing at playstation right now. I’m designing. But all the times we cross each other’s eyes, that rational part turns on and we can see inside the other’s eyes the sad truth: the despair. What are we supposed to do now?
I am opening my heart with you. I have always done and it’s strange for one person like me, always so jelous of her “inside”. But you guys have always been so delicate and kind to me. You always had a word to encourage me. You can’t even imagine how much important has been, and keeps to be, your presence in my life, even if in this “virtual and intangible” form. I can feel all your closeness.
And “scent of tears” is another “COVID Series” collection, another of those unforgettable pieces of my heart during these trying times. I think that I won’t be able to replicate the deepness and beauty of all these pieces of art because nothing may say words more true and profound than pain. I have just one hope: that all this sadness may purify my heart to make me a better person. Happy birthday to me.
Scent of tears {Collection}
This package includes:
- A variety of more than 150 embellishments
- 45 Papers, including solid ones
- 9 Journal Cards mixed in 4×6 and 4×3 inches
- 4 Quick Pages

If you buy the collection “Scent of tears” you’ll get for free “Hopes & Roses” Collection. Offer valid May the 2nd.

Oh my God I’m sorry for my BAD video tutorial. I really wanted to show you some techniques and also how to use my newest shadow styles pack. But you will apologize me if the audio quality is terrible, I hope. Anyway, here it is, I promise I will do better next time! On this video you’ll see how I make my layouts, what are the steps I follow and how these styles may be a great facilitizer for the creation. Enjoy.